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Miracles Explained


Have you had events in your life which you could only describe as miracles? I don’t mean lucky breaks, surprises or synchronicities, but things that really seem to break the rules of our normal Newtonian lives. I certainly have and have searched in vain for answers to explain them. In my last blog I wrote of one, and several others are mentioned in my latest book. Really, I suppose the term ‘miracle’ simply means an event we do not understand and cannot explain.

Maybe we are gradually creeping closer to understanding what we call miracles, via quantum physics and new research on consciousness, or mind, as it is often referred to.

Quantum physics has found that the observer collapses the wave into a particle, and that via entanglement, particles can act as one or affect each other, regardless of the distance between them. This ‘spooky action at a distance’ referred to by Einstein goes some way towards an explanation of our ability to heal or change others or clear the energy of places from afar.

The mystical poet Francis Thompson (1859 -1907) famously wrote the words now inscribed on his gravestone: ‘Thou canst not stir a flower / Without troubling of a star.’ In his poem he had preceded that with ‘All things by immortal power / Near or far / Hiddenly / To each other linked are.’ It took our physicists a while to catch up to his mysticism.

Science is, somewhat reluctantly perhaps, looking into the power of human intent over the expression of matter – a topic Lyn McTaggart has investigated and written about for many years.

There is even a resurgence of interest in panpsychism – the idea that all things share the mental qualities of sentience, experience, will, feeling and inner life. I had much experience of the truth of that in my feng shui work – the oddest being my interaction with a furious toaster!

It is wonderful that at last we seem to be studying consciousness, even if some still consider it to be a brain function, while others believe it to be foundational to life and creation. Perhaps this is gradually moving our understanding from being as humancentric as it has been, to something a bit more all-encompassing.

However there seems to be a very large puzzle piece missing. In our very visual-based, empirical world view we are not leaving space for agency by beings we cannot see and do not know. Based on my experience, and that of many others, there are countless invisible realms of beings influencing us and our world. As long as science denies that, how close can it really come to the truth of life here?

Maybe life is designed to remain a mystery to us, but perhaps if our research is genuinely open to all possibilities, many more mysteries may be unraveled.

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Nov 29, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Great post Paula! I totally agree and look forward to the day that (more) scientists expand their view.

I say 'more' scientists because many years ago, when my Dad was diagnosed with lymphoma, a scientist at my workplace urged me to get Ian Gawler's book 'You Can Conquer Cancer' for Dad to read. That book, along with Ian's guidance and support, gave my Dad three years of living instead of the two years of dying that the conventional medical doctors had envisaged for him.

Nov 29, 2023
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Thanks for commenting JA D - I'm glad you liked the post.

So many people have benefitted from Ian Gawler, as your Dad did.😊

My hope is that research scientists will be encouraged and allowed to explore the more esoteric topics. People with interesting theories (e.g. Rupert Sheldrake, Nikola Tesla), have often had quite a battle to be accepted by mainstream science.

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