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Some unsolicited testimonials

 I don't know if you remember coming to our home in ….. Road, Sandringham. You were kind enough to spend considerable time with my son Jack who was unsettled by an entity in his room (ET). At the age of 12 he had never slept through the night and needed to have the lights on to feel safe. After your visit he never looked back and has developed quite a knack for long sleeps! You also cleared the negative energy from the front room which, up until then, neither Jack or his sister would go into without some apprehension.

J.F. 2012

Things going well here it’s been like a breath of fresh air is injected into our home and family.      L&C 2011




 We built the new bedroom for him (her son) above the garage—bad energy in there and the dog would no longer sleep there.  You got rid of that.      C.C 2008

Last October a few strange things started to happen in one of the consulting rooms in the clinic so I called Paula to adjust the Feng Shui and clear the energy.


In a normally very peaceful clinic, we had started to feel restless. Quite a few clients had cancelled and both the reflexologist and myself were having an unusual quiet time.


I had to tell another practitioner to leave the clinic as her energy was becoming disturbing to the rest of the staff and it was a very traumatic event as she was also a friend.


The peace and harmony of the clinic were shattered and I knew it had to be cleared and Paula could do it. And she did. In this instance Paula also had to do a clearing of a negative psychic impression left behind by the practitioners who was asked to leave the clinic.


So once again, Paula, I would like to say a big thank you for your help. I greatly respect your skills as a Feng Shui practitioner and your gift as a healer.


I am more than happy for you to use this letter as a testimonial whenever you feel it is appropriate.

 B. S. (Naturopath) 2007

Some comments from clients on Paula’s retirement
from onsite consultations in 2011

Many thanks for your support through the years, for your fantastic service ethics and for changing the energy of my houses for the better, we shall miss you.

Much appreciate your assistance....  

It has been a great improvement on my life.  

... so, thanks again for your great advice and influence  ... to let you know I think of you often and with gratitude and kindness...

I will miss knowing you are no longer available but very grateful for all you did for me in Olinda

I really enjoyed my experience with you & you opened my world to yet another way of doing.

Thank you for your kindness, friendliness and assistance, we shall miss you... you have been a great help to us over a number of years and we have been most appreciative...

It's been really lovely working with you and I trust you will make use of that wonderful intuitive part of self that you've been gifted with.

You have had a profound effect on my relationship with my home.... and my life was better for it.

Rachel & I along with L & N would like to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all -you have done for us and our home.

I will miss you dearly !!! I feel like crying already. Many, many thanks for all of your help over the years.

I would personally like to thank you for your professional attitude, wisdom and knowledge and really love everything we have taken on from your report.

Thank you for all the assistance and valuable information you have given us over the years.

Thank you very much for all the help and guidance you have given both Steve and I as well as quite a few of our friends over the years.

Personally, I am very sad to lose your first class services. 

I can't thank you enough for all the help you've been to me over the years...I will always remember you with love and gratitude.

 You have taught me much and the way I lead my life changed dramatically since the day I met you. Thank you for your inspiration and special gifts.

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